Thursday, September 10, 2020


 Subject: Re: Candidates questionnaire for Villager newspaper

                                    10Sept2020  Sharons Reply to Villager Newspaper Please note Candidate Sharon going Blind due to Medical Malpractice, years of DSI TAKINGS of Sharons Car, Trailer, Realestate via Fraud . Dirty Deals via City St. Paul,DSI,Officials.
                          Note to Erin Murphy DFL WOULD HAVE MADE A GREAT GOV,
In a message dated 9/3/2020 1:10:01 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

Dear candidate for Minnesota Legislature,.

 You may email your answers to, send them to the Villager’s offices at 757 S. Snelling Ave., St. Paul, MN 55116 or call Dale Mischke at 651-699-1462 for more information.

 Also, please include a head-and-shoulders photograph of yourself to run with the story.

 Thank you,

 Dale Mischke, Villager editor



Name: Sharon Anderson aka Peterson aka Scarrella

Age: of Reason over 70 currently going Blind due to Med.MALPRACTICE

Marital status: Widow

Number of children, if any: 1 Vonessa, Grandchildren 7 Great ?

Current occupation: Retired
Blogger: User Profile: Sharon4Anderson

Previous occupation: Waitress/Realestate Entreprenuer reduced to Poverty by Corrupt DFL/BLM/ANTIFA funded via George Soros re USSC 10-1032 TITLED Magner vs Gallagher, please note Steve Magner Defendant lives in Stillwater,current Code Enforcement re DSI

Political or governmental offices held, past and present: NONE

Education, high school, college, degrees earned: School Hard Knocks St. Paul Central Grad,Current Self Taught Blogger Whistleblower, Constitutionalist.

Phone number to contact you with any followup questions: 

              651-776-5835 prefer e mail

QUESTIONS (please limit your answers to 50 words each):

  1. Why are you running for office? SharonScrunity
  2. SAFETY: Law and ORDER ,Ethics  . Fair Housing,Realestate Equity Skimming,Quiet Titles, 2nd Amendents,expose Chinese Virus's.
    House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform , Loyal Trump Supporter.exposing Dirty Deals Obama Lawyers Tom Perez c
    HUD Sued for Records of Obama Administration Involvement in Controversial St. Paul, MN, Housing Discrimination Case | Judicial Watchurrent DNC CHAIR 

    Magner v. Gallagher
    No. 10-1032 In the Supreme Court of the United States STEVE MAGNER, ET AL., PETITIONERS v. THOMAS J. GALLAGHER, ET AL

2. What makes you the best candidate for the job?

      Sharon White,Widow,Whistleblower Must expose George Floyd OD Fental, Similar to Musican Prince. Expose MAJOR Government Corruption. published 

Ritchie Capital Management v. JP Morgan Chase & Co., No. 18-1130 (8th Cir. 2020) :: Just
 3. What would be your top priority in the Legislature during the coming term?
                A.  State of MN IS A NANNY STATE, ELIMINATE LOCALGOVERNMENT AID If in Fact BLM/George Soros, Anifa funded the Organized Riots. Looting,Riots,Criminal Prosuctions must follow. With Valid Charges by MNAG Muslin Keith Ellison.

          B. Enforce Separation Powers MN Constituion Art III, lAWYERS taken control of all Branchs, must either Resign from Legislative, Executive or Non Lawyers must Stand 4 Election of Judges.

            C. Balance the Budgets Special Thanks to DFL CONGRESSWOMAN
Betty McCollum questions Melvin Carter's basic income project

  •  13 hours ago

    Watched the counsel, at least Dai Thao had Consience/Consideration for Disparity of Seniors, Tolbert questioned use of zip codes, Affiant has been reduced to poverty and would qualify, Betcha the Philantry (sp) non profit groups will drop out funding. What the Government giveth also Government can take back, Affiant made Five dollars to much to qualify for Second Harvest Food Federal Poverty Guidelines at 130% Neglience of City Attorney Tierney to give Legal Opinion. Thanks to Betty McCollum watching the pockiet book 4 TYreasury, YOU BET TRUMP WILL CAUSE MAJOR INVESTIGATION OF THES DFL Sanctuary States, rED wAVE IS COMING 4 WHO t^HINKI THEREFORE 

Whistleblower exposing Major City,County Ponzi taxing schemes,

     xx Sharon Anderson aka Scarrella 651-776-5835 

LEGAL NOTICE: /s/ ECF_P165913Pacersa1299 telfx: 651-776-5835:
Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, 

The Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 
Ch.119 Sections 2510-2521 et seq., governs distribution of this "Message," 
including attachments, may contain the originator's
proprietary information. The originator hereby notifies
recipients Message review, dissemination, copying, and content-based 
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